Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Humble beginnings and replacing humans

This is the first post ever from pycoder. Just like the rest of my life, it's humble in beginning, arrogant and egotistical at the end :D.

What do I do? I'm a programmer. I mostly do Python, second mostly do c/c++.

Recently one of my programming duties has been to gather statistics on our `print.' In my little universe, print is generated and sent to the mail machine to be processed. I'm responsible for the programming aspect of processing the mail and generating the print.

Generating the print is great. We use and old console program to generate our print. The thing is so old that it only accepts 8.3 filenames! But, it works quickly and overall really well.

Anyway, back to processing mail. I've discovered that management is contemplating outsourcing the handling of print. This is discouraging because I have a nice system for handling this print. Really, software comes and goes, so watching it sail away won't be too bad. However, I'm worried about the people who work in the mailroom.

I don't believe that the people in the mailroom will be fired, but God only knows where they'll be moved to. I was told to be *quite* about this project, so I can't tell anyone at work. I've befriended the mailroom people because of my involvement with the mail-machine. It's an awkward feeling knowing that your providing data that could possibly have your friends canned. Even worse is that I see them everyday and usually smile and make small-talk.


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