Happy Belated Halloween

I've been somewhat busy with Halloween and the various fall activies. I dressed up as the scariest thing my little brain could conjure up ... The Congressman.
The picture of me and my littlest one are to the left. Overall, Halloween turned out to be a pretty good event. Because it was on a Monday, not many houses were lit up. Plus, our little town is boring at times. Or maybe it was because Halloween is considered `bad' by some folks down here.
Yes, I actually ran into one of those Halloween is for Satan people. Let me set the stage - Home Depot on a Saturday afternoon. Wifey and I rolled into home depot to grab some left over `hurricane food' that was drastically reduced (I hope I avoid food poisoning). I see an old friend I hadn't seen in some time. My friend had his boy with him. His child was around 3 years old. The boy was very excited and explaining to me about his love of Spiderman and Batman:
Boy: I love Spiderman and Batman! [Strikes superhero pose]
Me: Really? Thats cool, me too. Will you be dressing up as one of them for Halloween.
Boy: No, Halloween is bad.
Me: Oh.
Boy: Do ya'll do Halloween?
Me: Well, sometimes. Maybe not this year because it is during the week. [White lie to prevent `rubbing boys face in it']
Boy: Yeah, God doesn't like people who do Halloween. Me: Ummm. Ok. Anyway, I hope I haven't angered God this year! The sign hanging from the neck reads:
(fill in the blank)
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Nice picture - keep up the good Gw'ing ;)
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