Sunday, November 27, 2005

Soulmates - poppycock!

Someone asked me if I believed in "Soul Mates". "Soul Mates" are lovers who were predestined to be together. That is their unity was inevitable. This inevitability means that they were `made' for one another.

I used to believe in the "Soul Mates" idea. The more I muse over this idea, the less confidence I have in it. Fate is out, Wyrd is in.

Instead of wild dreams and false hopes, I believe in free will. If we don't have choices, then we're nothing more than biological algorithms. Biological algorithms being my euphamism for `determinism'. While Wyrd does not exactly imply free will, it does express the idea that people forge their destiny.

One of the things I don't quite grok about Christianity is that christians have free will. However, God has a plan. This is a paradox. If God has a plan, then our fate is determined. Maybe I need to ask a pastor about this.

Doh, what a tangent. The indelible thought of free will simply won't allow the `Soul Mates' idea to pass. Unless I can be convinced that "Soul Mates" does not imply destiny, then "Soul Mates" simply isn't true.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Can't you ever agree with me, just once?
Hehe ;)

1:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man I hate to even acknowledge such a concept as Soul mates, but maybe you shouldn't casually dismiss it.

I’m not a proponent of predestination either, but I do believe that some of the best things in life were pushed along to a determined end. I think Forest Gump, had it right when he declared that maybe life is both free will and determined.

8:17 AM  
Blogger pythoncoder said...

My dismissal isn't casual. I used to think it were true. The more I contemplated, the less I concurred.

9:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Saying that you don't believe in Soul Mates, also means you don't believe in fate, luck, and destiny?
It was fate I met my Soul mate?
It was luck I met my Soul mate?
It was destiny I met my Soul mate?

Perhaps they are but one in the same?

None the less, I would say I believe in the above listed more then soul mates....


10:21 AM  
Blogger pythoncoder said...

Belief checklist:

Fate - Nope
Luck - Nope
Destiny - Nope

I can't accept Fate & Destiny simply because it strips away my free will.

I can't accept luck because there is no such thing. There is a probablity for everything that happens, no matter how improbable.

For example, you could flip a coin 8 times and it *could* land on heads 8 times in a row. However the probablity of this happening is .3% (1 / 2**8).

Where you are in life is a consequence of your previous actions. Because I went to college I have a completely different domain of friends than I would have if I had not gone to college.

It's not that I'm cold and frigid. But I don't have my head in the clouds either. To prove my unfrigidness, I will cite my favorite poem for you. So, theres my emotional side. Enjoy.

The Sick Rose

By William Blake

O rose, thou art sick!
The invisible worm
That flies in the night,
In the howling storm,

Has found out thy bed
Of crimson joy,
And his dark secret love
Does thy life destroy.

10:34 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You don't believe in LUCK!
My god, man, what's wrong with you!

Like you said, you could flip a coin 8 times, and it COULD land heads 8 times, but, like you said, odds are very low....
Perhaps it is LUCK that you got 8 heads?
As, like you said, the odds are so very low, its ALMOST impossible, but with a little LUCK, you COULD get 8.......

WHO knows why I am writing CERTAIN words in caps, but none the less, see my point?

It could be also put down to LUCK that you get 8 heads, it could be put down to LUCK that you survive a car crash when someone else didn't, it could be LUCK that you win the lotto, for, in NZ, odds are like 1/6 million or something.....

Luck exists? In some people's minds, I think SOME form of luck exists within their mind, and what others would call LUCK/Y, others wouldn't, vice verca, etc....

I think it does exist, and thats all that matters, cause I'm always right!

1:02 PM  
Blogger pythoncoder said...

No it is not luck to flip 8 heads. You were one of the 3 out of 1000 who would accomplish this.

You may consider it `lucky' that you accomplished this, but it certainly isn't a matter of luck. It is a matter of probability.

I wrote a python program to illustrate the probability. The code below simulates flipping a coin 8 times. Whenever all `heads' are flipped, the program decrements the target counter (3). Once 3 `all head' events occur, the program exits.

Here are some of the results of the program:

8 heads were flipped on try 217
8 heads were flipped on try 412
8 heads were flipped on try 967

8 heads were flipped on try 23
8 heads were flipped on try 327
8 heads were flipped on try 1114

8 heads were flipped on try 277
8 heads were flipped on try 443
8 heads were flipped on try 479

8 heads were flipped on try 411
8 heads were flipped on try 500
8 heads were flipped on try 1054

Finally the flip program (which will probably look screwy) -
Script to determine how many `tries' it takes to flip 8 heads in a row.
import random

def flip_coin(num_times):
Flip a coin num_times, returning a tuple containing the frequency of heads
and tails landing.
flip_coin(2) -> (1,1) # 1 head, 1 tail
h, t = 0, 0
for x in range(num_times):
if random.randint(1, 100) <= 50:
h += 1
t += 1
return h,t

target_cnt = 3
flip_cnt = 0
while True:
flip_cnt += 1
heads , tails = flip_coin(8)

if heads == 8:
print "8 heads were flipped on try %d" % flip_cnt
target_cnt -= 1
if target_cnt == 0:

if flip_cnt == 100000:
print "Stopping after 100,000 tries"
target_cnt -= 1
if target_cnt == 0:

4:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


6:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where you are in life is a consequence of your previous actions. Because I went to college I have a completely different domain of friends than I would have if I had not gone to college.

Maybe it was....fate that you went to collage ;)?

6:57 PM  

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