Sunday, December 04, 2005

+1 For the good guys...

Because wifey let me fall asleep on the couch, I am wide awake at 2:30 a.m. So, I start perusing the web and discover a number of interesting news bits:

1) Poll: Confidence in Terror War Jumps

Rasmussen poll finds that "Confidence that the U.S. will ultimately prevail has jumped dramatically, up 9 points in the last six weeks, reports Rasmussen." It's up to 48%. What is alarming, however, is that 28% of the poll respondents think the terrorists will win.

2) Officials: CIA missile strike kills al-Qaida No. 3

w00t! Oh yeah, you can run but you can't hide you sons of bitches. I'd love to fly one of those predator drone planes...

3) A picture of life under Bin Laden's Constitution

Some sneak peaks at what the benevolent dictator Osama would be like:
  1. No Alcohol
  2. No Gambling
  3. No pictures of women in news papers or advertisements
No pictures of women? That stinks, as I have remarked here.

Anyone read any good poetry lately?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

No alchol, nor gambling....mmm, sounds....perfect?


1:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:13 PM  
Blogger pythoncoder said...

Sounds like freedom being stripped away from me. Live free or die.


2:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Live free or die.

Mmm, you have said, many a time, that America isn't free, due to terroists, does this mean you want to die, because you are not free :S ?

11:10 PM  
Blogger pythoncoder said...

Really, I don't recall ever saying that. I may have remarked that freedom has been limited because of terrorism.

What limits freedom? Silly things like random bag checks. Really, bag checks should not be random.

5:37 AM  

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