Thursday, January 12, 2006

Hey Tammy!

It's 4 p.m. and I'm headed out the door. I see Theresa as I'm walking out the door. She smiles and tells me, "Hey." For some reason, I draw a blank on her name. Desperate and on the spot, I reply, "Hey Tammy."

Immediately after the name left my lips, I realized what I had done. Because I was upset with my inability to recall her name, I told her 'Hey' in a very low voice. But I'm certain she heard me call her by the wrong name.

Really, this isn't a big deal. It's not as if I called her by the wrong name after an `intimate moment.' Hell, I hardly know her.

But, I like to be friendly to the people I work with. Blurting out the wrong name has hung in my mind for a bit. The next day, I found myself repeating her real name to myself on the way out the door. Playing parrot would hopefully allow me to recall her name the next time I see her.
What I'm hoping happens is I see her again, and tell her hello using the correct name. Maybe correct usage will make her think I just misspoke.

Please don't think I'm hung up over this person. I'm really only bothered by the embarassment of using the wrong name. *Bangs head on desk*. However, I've yet to catch her on my way out the door lately. So, the effect of calling her by the right name will be minimal at best.


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