Wednesday, March 29, 2006

A post for my reader

Life is busy. But, the busy-ness of life seems to undulate. One month there is pretty much nothing going on. Next month, you don't have enough hours in the day.

With life's schedule lately, I've become one of those people that does not watch the news. I don't care for any of the political parties, and I think the U.S. Congress is a joke. I'm becoming more Twain-like as I age. Below is one of my favorite Twain quotes -

Reader, suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of
Congress. But I repeat myself.

But I digress. This post is for my drunken reader who has longed for the wit that flows forth from my keyboard. First, I only have one reader, and I've explained to her the perils of drinking.

Man invented alcohol. And he invented it for one reason. To squelch the inhibitions of a prim and proper lady, hoping to turn her into a drunken girl of ill repute.

Ladies, make no doubt about it. Guys LOVE and I mean LOVE when the ladies start to put down the alcohol. It's great because there defenses aren't the only thing that come down.

Poor women, not only do the beer goggles make guys more attractive, but it also enhances our personality by an order of 1 or 2 magnitude. After enough alcohol, even I can deceive some woman into thinking I am prince charming.

However, wifey is the only one that I'd want to liquour up. And to top it off, I don't drink. Well, I like those fruity alcoholic drinks. But I don't want anyone thinking I'm a homosexual, so I don't drink them in public :D. Man, life just isn't fair, poor me 8D.