I have proof of American soldiers torturing Iraqis! I've posted the pictures and captions below. It truly is a dark time for our country. Where is the American press during our darkest hour?!

(December 1, 2005) Maj. Kurt Anderson, from Company B, 448th Civil Affairs Battalion, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Infantry Division, presents a space heater to an Iraqi widow in Sadr City.

(November 23, 2005) Egyptian and U.S. Soldiers give clothes to needy Afghan children during a joint humanitarian aid mission at Bagram, Afghanistan.

(November 23, 2005) Egyptian and U.S. Soldiers give clothes to needy Afghan children during a joint humanitarian aid mission at Bagram, Afghanistan.

(December 1, 2005) Iraqi troops and a U.S. Soldier from the 327th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division, conduct a joint patrol in the village of Hechel.

Cpl. Maria C. Diaz, from the 1st Force Service Support Group disbursing office, holds an Iraqi baby during a visit to Al Kabani, Iraq, June 26, 2004. Diaz accompanied Marines from 3rd Battalion, 24th Marine Regiment, who visited the village to check on the progress of a $175,000 water purification complex the unit contracted to have built. The complex will bring clean drinking water to nearly 3,000 Iraqis from Al Kabani and another nearby community. The battalion has made regular visits to Al Kabani to deliver donated shoes, school supplies and toys to the children of the village. Elements of the battalion provide security for nearby Camp Taqaddum. Diaz, 23, is from Los Angeles.

November 29, 2005) Pfc. Crystal Jiminez, from the 490th Civil Affairs Battalion, 155th Brigade Combat Team, gives a snack to a shy Iraqi child in Haswah.

(September 1, 2005) 1LT Micah D. Taylor of the Mannheim, Germany-based 18th Military Police Brigade, receives a kiss of thanks from a girl at the Iskandariyah school. Taylor was part of the humanitarian mission to provide the children with school supplies. Soldiers receive the supplies from an organization called Operation Iraqi Children, through which Americans donate book bags, school supplies, and toys.

Najoy, Afghanistan (Apr. 22, 2004) - U.S. Navy Dental Technician 3rd Class Ernest Deant, shows Afghan children how to properly care for their teeth and gums during a Coalition medical/dental civil affairs project in the village of Najoy, Afghanistan. Participating in the one-day humanitarian mission were medical specialists assigned to the 22nd Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable), the U.S. Army's 10th and 25th Infantry Divisions, and the Romanian Army, who provided security for the mission in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF).

(December 12, 2005) Capt. Robert Duchaine, Company B commander, 1st Squadron, 71st Cavalry Regiment, distributes toys to kindergarteners in a school in western Baghdad. Iraqi forces from the 6th Iraqi Army Division also participated in the visit with the U.S. Soldiers.

(October 19, 2005) A Soldier from the 448th Civil Affairs Battalion, 7th Cavalry Regiment jots down the measurements of a child's feet for a new pair of shoes at the Al Nafees Primary School in the al Kafajyeh suburb of Baghdad.

(August 30, 2005) Maj. Roger Alsup, a Missouri National Guardsman from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and principal of T.S. Hill Middle School in Dexter, Mo., distributes school supplies to Iraqi children in Fallujah. The supplies were donated by students and faculty at Alsup's middle school.

(November 19, 2004) Sgt. Rick Abner gives coloring books to Iraqi school children in Hawija. Abner is a tactical psychological team chief from the 350th Psychological Operations Company, attached to 1st Battalion, 27th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division.

(July 15, 2005) Capt. Jacqueline Naylor, a family practice physician from the 173rd Support Battalion, successfully delivers a premature baby in a hospital at Lashkar Gah, Afghanistan.